The list of cultivars for vg0122433295 with genotype A in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Buleida_A-75 B019 Indica Intermediate Mexico ERS470237
American_Rice_ B035 Indica Intermediate United States ERS470252
Huangsiguizhan B065 Indica Intermediate China ERS470279
San**Qishiluo B088 Indica Intermediate China ERS470300
Qitoubaigu3 B089 Indica Intermediate China ERS470301
Xiaohonggu B091 Indica Intermediate China ERS470303
Jiienuo B097 Indica Intermediate China ERS470309
Baoxuan_21 B105 Indica Intermediate China ERS470315
Ergangai B118 Indica Intermediate China ERS470328
Xiangwanxian_3__ B125 Indica Intermediate China ERS470335
Sibeitizhao_6 B128 Indica Intermediate China ERS470338
Teqingxuanhui B145 Indica Intermediate China ERS470355
Qingsiai_16B B153 Indica Intermediate China ERS470363
None B174 Indica Intermediate None
P1790-5-1M-4-5M-1B-3M-B B180 Indica Intermediate Colombia ERS470385
C.MEDIO_7 B193 Indica Intermediate Cuba ERS470397
Aihechi B207 Indica Intermediate China ERS470410
Menjiagao_1 B227 Indica Intermediate China ERS470427
Menjiading_2 B229 Indica Intermediate China ERS470429
Jinnante_B B247 Indica Intermediate China ERS470445
None B256 Indica Intermediate None
Qingsiai16B C025 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239625
Teqingxuanhui C044 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239644
Huangsiguizhan C045 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239645
Xiangwanxian3hao C046 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239646
Qitoubaigu C078 Indica Intermediate Yunnan SRR1239678
Sanlicun C090 Indica Intermediate Shanxi SRR1239690
Menjiagao1 C094 Indica Intermediate Hainan SRR1239694
WH100 C100 Indica Intermediate Hubei SRR1239700
Aihechi C129 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1239729
Ziri CX108 Indica Intermediate India ERS470472
Yun_hui_72 CX115 Indica Intermediate China ERS470480
IR65600-27-1-2-2 CX117 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470482
TKM6 CX120 Indica Intermediate India ERS470486
Gajale CX128 Indica Intermediate Nepal ERS470493
Co43 CX146 Indica Intermediate India ERS470510
Seberang CX147 Indica Intermediate None ERS470511
Zaoxian_14 CX18 Indica Intermediate China ERS470530
None CX184 Indica Intermediate None
IR55419-04 CX232 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470556
NSIC_RC9_(APO) CX235 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470559
Carijo CX240 Indica Intermediate Brazil ERS470564
None CX253 Indica Intermediate None
None CX297 Indica Intermediate None
Luyin_46 CX304 Indica Intermediate China ERS470606
Bg__300 CX34 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS470623
Bg_94-1 CX35 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS470634
SARD CX392 Indica Intermediate None ERS470678
Huangsizhan_ CX393 Indica Intermediate China ERS470679
None CX435 Indica Intermediate None
None CX445 Indica Intermediate None
None CX449 Indica Intermediate None
None CX461 Indica Intermediate None
None CX463 Indica Intermediate None
None CX472 Indica Intermediate None
None CX474 Indica Intermediate None
None CX476 Indica Intermediate None
None CX479 Indica Intermediate None
Linyitangdao CX54 Indica Intermediate China ERS470705
None CX540 Indica Intermediate None
None CX541 Indica Intermediate None
None CX549 Indica Intermediate None
None CX550 Indica Intermediate None
IRAT_352 CX64 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470717
MR106 CX68 Indica Intermediate Malaysia ERS470721
MR167 CX69 Indica Intermediate Malaysia ERS470722
MR77(Seberang_) CX70 Indica Intermediate Malaysia ERS470723
TGMS29 CX93 Indica Intermediate India ERS470747
H_5 GP103 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERR036707
K_159 GP107 Indica Intermediate Uganda ERR036711
IR_1416-131-5 GP119 Indica Intermediate IRRI ERR036721
Te-tep GP41 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERR036645
Unnamed GP526 Indica Intermediate Thailand ERR036774
IR_5533-PP856-1 GP68 Indica Intermediate IRRI ERR036672
Shanlinwan HP176 Indica Intermediate China ERR009644
Yanjing HP179 Indica Intermediate China ERR009626
Honggu-2 HP182 Indica Intermediate China ERR009715
Xiangxian HP183 Indica Intermediate China ERR009925
Shipishu HP199 Indica Intermediate China ERR009759
Huazhan HP201 Indica Intermediate China ERR009721
Dingzhounuo HP205 Indica Intermediate China ERR009598
baimizai HP209 Indica Intermediate China ERR009803
Wukejian HP210 Indica Intermediate China ERR009747
Yizhixiangshu HP212 Indica Intermediate China ERR009899
Leigongman HP213 Indica Intermediate China ERR009879
Zaomabao HP220 Indica Intermediate China ERR009524
Qimei-1 HP222 Indica Intermediate China ERR009741
Dayaozhan HP224 Indica Intermediate China ERR009866
Qihe HP230 Indica Intermediate China ERR009549
Nantianzhan HP246 Indica Intermediate China ERR009657
Hongshannuo HP290 Indica Intermediate China ERR009559
Suixihongxu HP348 Indica Intermediate China ERR009522
Aijiaozhong HP353 Indica Intermediate China ERR009674
Xiangguzhong HP354 Indica Intermediate China ERR009913
Haoganduo HP355 Indica Intermediate China ERR009634
Jijiaonuo HP356 Indica Intermediate China ERR009942
Hongzuigu HP412 Indica Intermediate China ERR009854
Qiyulenghe HP416 Indica Intermediate China ERR009819
Honghanzhangu HP445 Indica Intermediate China ERR009707
Jiangxiwan HP476 Indica Intermediate China ERR009843
Baimidongzhan HP481 Indica Intermediate China ERR009652
Maweizhan HP494 Indica Intermediate China ERR009556
Niutouwu HP520 Indica Intermediate China ERR009622
Haoanxiu HP529 Indica Intermediate China ERR009848
Hongxinnuo HP530 Indica Intermediate China ERR009752
Jiaozhan HP547 Indica Intermediate China ERR009895
Guiyangzhan HP593 Indica Intermediate China ERR009876
Xiaobaigu HP604 Indica Intermediate China ERR009915
Haonuobixian HP608 Indica Intermediate China ERR009709
Wuke-4 HP609 Indica Intermediate China ERR009893
Erzaogu HP61 Indica Intermediate China ERR009839
EX_FOILAEIN(NAPUTO) IRIS_313-10113 Indica Intermediate Mozambique ERS468155
MEI_FENG_9 IRIS_313-10168 Indica Intermediate China ERS468165
EPEAL_102 IRIS_313-10220 Indica Intermediate Brazil ERS468298
BA_BAI_GU IRIS_313-10221 Indica Intermediate China ERS468176
PSBRC68 IRIS_313-10235 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468179
ALTAMIRA_9 IRIS_313-10257 Indica Intermediate Nicaragua ERS468299
CEA_3 IRIS_313-10260 Indica Intermediate Paraguay ERS468184
IA_CUBA_17 IRIS_313-10271 Indica Intermediate Cuba ERS468186
JUMA_62 IRIS_313-10279 Indica Intermediate Dominican Republic ERS468188
IRGA_959-1-2-2F-4-1-4A-6-CA-6X IRIS_313-10301 Indica Intermediate Brazil ERS468192
CAMPONI IRIS_313-10325 Indica Intermediate Suriname ERS468195
B_4414_F-MR-6-3 IRIS_313-10332 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS468302
BR_5230-46-4 IRIS_313-10341 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS467920
CSR-89_IR-15 IRIS_313-10348 Indica Intermediate India ERS467921
IR_57514-PMI_5-B-1-2 IRIS_313-10360 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468233
IR_69502-6-SRN-3-UBN-1-B IRIS_313-10374 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468200
IR_80310-12-B-1-3-B IRIS_313-10394 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468202
IR_80340-23-B-12-6-B IRIS_313-10396 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468203
IRGA_346-111-2-1F IRIS_313-10399 Indica Intermediate Colombia ERS467925
IRGA_659-1-2-2-2 IRIS_313-10403 Indica Intermediate Colombia ERS467926
WAR_72-2-1-1 IRIS_313-10421 Indica Intermediate Sierra Leone ERS467831
YN_1353-3 IRIS_313-10423 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS467832
RUSTY_LATE IRIS_313-10477 Indica Intermediate China ERS469372
HAM_MOON IRIS_313-10614 Indica Intermediate China ERS469460
ARC_10905 IRIS_313-10675 Indica Intermediate India ERS469493
ARC_10916 IRIS_313-10676 Indica Intermediate India ERS469494
LUA_CHUM IRIS_313-10751 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469560
ARC_10825 IRIS_313-10857 Indica Intermediate India ERS469660
ARC_10939 IRIS_313-10859 Indica Intermediate India ERS469662
T.Q.QI._HAYUQBABA IRIS_313-10917 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS469715
CO_36 IRIS_313-10988 Indica Intermediate India ERS469801
BAKASI IRIS_313-10996 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS469792
DHALA_AMAN_973 IRIS_313-11125 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS469923
BR52-87-1 IRIS_313-11200 Indica Intermediate India ERS469990
KARTIKHAMA IRIS_313-11204 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS469995
B_737G-KN-23-1 IRIS_313-11239 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS470032
W_1014-162 IRIS_313-11244 Indica Intermediate India ERS470038
SML-CAMPONI IRIS_313-11253 Indica Intermediate Suriname ERS470048
ARC_7056 IRIS_313-11255 Indica Intermediate India ERS470050
ARC_12411 IRIS_313-11256 Indica Intermediate India ERS470051
ARC_13919 IRIS_313-11263 Indica Intermediate India ERS470059
ARC_14860 IRIS_313-11273 Indica Intermediate India ERS470137
ARC_15486 IRIS_313-11280 Indica Intermediate India ERS470068
ARC_15743 IRIS_313-11283 Indica Intermediate India ERS470071
BR51-115-4 IRIS_313-11326 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS470119
LANJALI IRIS_313-11365 Indica Intermediate India ERS470159
CHIEM_NGAN IRIS_313-11383 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470175
CHIEM_TONG_NHAT_1 IRIS_313-11384 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470176
KARUNJEERAGA_SAMBA IRIS_313-11414 Indica Intermediate India ERS470205
C_166-135 IRIS_313-11431 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468648
ZACATEPEC_A79 IRIS_313-11438 Indica Intermediate Mexico ERS468655
ARC_18502 IRIS_313-11442 Indica Intermediate India ERS468659
KODIA_PHUL IRIS_313-11449 Indica Intermediate India ERS468666
A_69-1 IRIS_313-11510 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS468719
IR_3839-1 IRIS_313-11516 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468750
TAN_NONG IRIS_313-11521 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS468788
NGA_CHAN_HMWE IRIS_313-11546 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS468745
GENG_77-4 IRIS_313-11570 Indica Intermediate China ERS468764
TAI_ZHOU_XIAN IRIS_313-11580 Indica Intermediate China ERS468774
UPRH265 IRIS_313-11621 Indica Intermediate India ERS468799
CHING-CH'UNG IRIS_313-11693 Indica Intermediate China ERS468868
CHING-LIU IRIS_313-11694 Indica Intermediate China ERS468869
KABERI IRIS_313-11722 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS468885
GUANG_QING_334 IRIS_313-11726 Indica Intermediate China ERS468889
AI_JIAO_AO_FAN_ZI IRIS_313-11744 Indica Intermediate China ERS468908
L_10595 IRIS_313-11750 Indica Intermediate China ERS468913
E_ZI_100 IRIS_313-11798 Indica Intermediate China ERS469014
KHAOSAING IRIS_313-11817 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS468967
LETYONE IRIS_313-11818 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS468968
KHAU_DANH IRIS_313-11893 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469120
LOC_TRANG_MUON IRIS_313-11894 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469036
YU_HE_HONG IRIS_313-11910 Indica Intermediate China ERS469053
BIE_LEI IRIS_313-11947 Indica Intermediate China ERS469092
IR_10120-7-2-1-4 IRIS_313-11987 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS469200
JIA_GEN IRIS_313-12007 Indica Intermediate China ERS469145
Chao_bong IRIS_313-12028 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469162
SHAN_KAUK_HNYIN IRIS_313-12050 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS469183
KYAUK_KYI(LEAVES_DROOPING) IRIS_313-12072 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS469204
DAU_NGHA_THAI_BINH IRIS_313-12078 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469226
KASHMIRI IRIS_313-12079 Indica Intermediate Pakistan ERS469233
KA_GIL IRIS_313-12080 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS469241
SALA IRIS_313-12207 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469257
NGAM_KON_DAM IRIS_313-12300 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469315
IR_45427-2B-2-2B-1-1 IRIS_313-15899 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS467756
B_6144-MR-6-0-0 IRIS_313-7641 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS468589
BOUAKE_189 IRIS_313-7654 Indica Intermediate Ivory Coast ERS468579
CICA_8 IRIS_313-7664 Indica Intermediate Colombia ERS468595
DANAU_LAUT_TAWAR IRIS_313-7668 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS468553
IR_55411-50 IRIS_313-7696 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468578
IR_57924-24 IRIS_313-7699 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468605
SOMCAU_70_A IRIS_313-7778 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS468586
ARIANA IRIS_313-8069 Indica Intermediate Romania ERS468530
MERLE IRIS_313-8215 Indica Intermediate France ERS468656
BAT_DO IRIS_313-8341 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS467930
ARC_13252 IRIS_313-8382 Indica Intermediate India ERS467936
JIN_JUN_DAO IRIS_313-8405 Indica Intermediate China ERS467836
NIAO_YAO IRIS_313-8743 Indica Intermediate China ERS467838
BAIANG_6 IRIS_313-8846 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS467979
PAGAIYAHAN IRIS_313-8880 Indica Intermediate China ERS467983
ARC_12576 IRIS_313-8967 Indica Intermediate India ERS468001
ARC_18112 IRIS_313-8982 Indica Intermediate India ERS468004
PING_SHAN_TA_TSWEN_KU IRIS_313-9017 Indica Intermediate China ERS468011
ARC_10799 IRIS_313-9313 Indica Intermediate India ERS468055
VEN_THAP IRIS_313-9317 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS468056
SADA_RUPA IRIS_313-9325 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS468059
PAMAH_S_18 IRIS_313-9451 Indica Intermediate Thailand ERS468070
H_6 IRIS_313-9472 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS468073
RPW9-4(SS1) IRIS_313-9522 Indica Intermediate India ERS468079
CHUA-DAU IRIS_313-9555 Indica Intermediate China ERS467792
HTA22 IRIS_313-9602 Indica Intermediate Thailand ERS468094
ARC_10594 IRIS_313-9609 Indica Intermediate India ERS468097
NAZIRA_SAIL IRIS_313-9696 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS467880
REX*2/BBT_50 IRIS_313-9767 Indica Intermediate United States ERS468114
SML_AWINI IRIS_313-9841 Indica Intermediate Suriname ERS468121
SIGARDIS IRIS_313-9867 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS468123
BAMOA_A75 IRIS_313-9953 Indica Intermediate Mexico ERS468132
KULA_KARUPPAN IRIS_313-9968 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS468134
Ai_Chueh_Ta_Pai_Ku W029 Indica Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239832
Thang_10 W030 Indica Intermediate Vietnam SRR1239833
K8C-263-3 W035 Indica Intermediate Suriname SRR1239838
Dichroa_Alef_Uslkij W043 Indica Intermediate Kazakhstan SRR1239846
IR_238 W066 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1239869
TAINUNG_45 W074 Indica Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239877
Huajingxian74 W157 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239960
Zaoxian14 W164 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239967
Bg300 W180 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka SRR1239983
Bg94-1 W181 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka SRR1239984
Linjintangdao W203 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240006
IR50 W213 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240016
IRAT352 W217 Indica Intermediate Indonesia SRR1240020
TB154E-TB-2 W218 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240021
MR77_(seberang) W221 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1240024
ASD18 W239 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240042
TKM6 W245 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240048
CHOROFA W264 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1240067
Wudadaozhong W268 Indica Intermediate South Korea SRR1240071
IR65600-27-1-2-2 W269 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1240072
P59279 W271 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240074
Tsao_wan_ching W272 Indica Intermediate China SRR1240075
BRRI_DHAN_29 W310 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh SRR1240113