The list of cultivars for vg0808781519 with genotype A in the Indica III population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
ARC_13888_BROWN_SPOTS_ON_STRAW IRIS_313-11262 Indica III India ERS470058
KHAO_DAWK_MALI_TIA IRIS_313-11386 Indica III Thailand ERS470178
NCS901_A IRIS_313-11650 Indica III India ERS468826
KARUEL IRIS_313-12093 Indica III Nepal ERS469209
YADU-BARA IRIS_313-12138 Indica III Bhutan ERS469230
G_25 IRIS_313-9259 Indica III India ERS468047
BERLIN W009 Indica III Costa Rica SRR1239812