The list of cultivars for vg0400264186 with genotype A in the Indica III population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Swarna CX94 Indica III India ERS470748
MOVE(MOKOLE) IRIS_313-10048 Indica III Benin ERS468151
SOSSOKA_OULE IRIS_313-10573 Indica III Mali ERS469431
KAILUNDO IRIS_313-10574 Indica III Sierra Leone ERS469432
MOND-BA IRIS_313-10723 Indica III Senegal ERS469529
DAMODAR IRIS_313-10756 Indica III India ERS469565
PECALO IRIS_313-11099 Indica III Sierra Leone ERS469895
CAC75 IRIS_313-11354 Indica III India ERS470147
GNASSOUMADOUGOU IRIS_313-11938 Indica III Burkina Faso ERS469083
MALOBA(DISSI_ROUGE) IRIS_313-11940 Indica III Burkina Faso ERS469085
KERIBAREFOR IRIS_313-11983 Indica III Burkina Faso ERS469161
AM_BEUS IRIS_313-12146 Indica III Cambodia ERS469237
NONA_BOKRA IRIS_313-7736 Indica III India ERS468565
MARAGBE IRIS_313-8391 Indica III Burkina Faso ERS468241
BAM_9 IRIS_313-8957 Indica III India ERS468000