The list of cultivars for vg0433410224 with genotype A in the VI/Aromatic population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Dom_Sufid C002 VI/Aromatic Philippines SRR1239602
Sadri_rice_1 CX104 VI/Aromatic Iran ERS470469
Domsiah CX65 VI/Aromatic Iran ERS470718
Tarom__molaii CX66 VI/Aromatic Iran ERS470719
Binam CX67 VI/Aromatic Iran ERS470720
Rata_710_(Acc.29397) GP2 VI/Aromatic Bengal ERR036607
NS1576 IRIS_313-10032 VI/Aromatic Madagascar ERS468145
MUTANT_12-42 IRIS_313-11030 VI/Aromatic Pakistan ERS469828
RATRIO IRIS_313-11033 VI/Aromatic Pakistan ERS469831
BEGUNBICHI_33 IRIS_313-11062 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS469863
PANKAIT_31 IRIS_313-11068 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS469870
TUPA_15-3 IRIS_313-11069 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS469871
TUPA IRIS_313-11070 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS469872
LAL_AMAN_207 IRIS_313-11217 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS470008
JADO IRIS_313-11627 VI/Aromatic Nepal ERS468806
KARISHNABELI IRIS_313-11628 VI/Aromatic Nepal ERS468807
JC1 IRIS_313-8326 VI/Aromatic India ERS467814
JC149 IRIS_313-8385 VI/Aromatic India ERS467901
KOIYA_DIGHA IRIS_313-9445 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS467903
IRAT_118 IRIS_313-9978 VI/Aromatic Madagascar ERS468314
Red_Khosha_Cerma W014 VI/Aromatic Afghanistan SRR1239817
79 W077 VI/Aromatic Guyana SRR1239880
Domsiah W219 VI/Aromatic Netherlands SRR1240022
Tarommolai1 W220 VI/Aromatic Unknown SRR1240023
SADRI_RICE_1 W252 VI/Aromatic Iran SRR1240055
ZIRI W255 VI/Aromatic India SRR1240058